Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Camp Rug

 Rug Camp with Maria Barton was a bust for me. She was great, and sweet, and smart. Did you know she'd been a judge, now recently retired? It's nothing on her part. After working on it for 2 days I realized I didn't want it to be so pastel looking. 

Here's where I was on the last day of camp.

And here's where I'm at now.

I started ripping out the pink flowers, then the purple flowers, then that bird, and the other bird, and a third bird. I kept the fourth one. She suggested and drew a house/cabin. Said to hook it as a cabin. I'm not sure. Does the house look too big?? For now it's in time out. 

I was going to work on it at the hook-in I'm attending with Lauren. We're headed to Shipshewana, Indiana. It doesn't sound like  huge event, of which I am glad. You'd never know it, but I'm kinda shy around strangers.  I haven't decided if I'll work on an askew rug or a turkey rug. I have til tomorrow to figure it out. 

This is Lauren's askew rug.

1847 Turkey. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Long Day of Hooking

Day 1 of class with Maria Barton is done. I'm just getting home. It seemed like I got a lot done, but when I took a picture of my progress it doesn't seem like much. 

They'll need tweaked a little bit. Later 

Maria is so sweet. I've really enjoyed myself today. Here's some pictures of her rugs. 

Great pink and red horse. 

I really like the extra stitching on the binding. 

That's it. I'm headed to bed. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

My Bags Are Packed

 And I'm ready to go. Tomorrow I head to Millersburg for a three day rug hooking retreat with Maria Barton. It took me awhile, but I picked out my pattern and had Saundra of Woodland Junction draw it up for me. She named it Birds in the Garden. I'm so excited to get back to hooking. It's been some time since I've picked up my hook. This picture crossed my Pinterest feed and I fell in love with it, except for the horseshoes. I'm not sure what to put there instead. Saundra suggested a beeskep. If you have any ideas let me know. 

I'm not going to stay at the hotel during the retreat, instead I've chosen to drive back and forth each day. This is Amish country and it's beautiful. Big rolling green hills and fields, big farms, lots of animals. There are various routes to get there from my house. I plan to take a different route each day. The dogs will be going to my son's home. That way I don't  have to rush home each day. I plan to also go to the Mennonite thrift store and local quilt shop. 

The woman that runs the event brings cheesecakes each year. Fabulous, luscious cheesecakes. Yum. I wonder what flavors she'll have this year. I'll let you know. This will be my fifth year attending this event.  We've had some great teachers, Caroline Twigg, Catherine Stephens, Sally Kallin, Jan Cole, and now Maria Barton. Originally Lauren invited me. Last year Lauren dropped out. I was sad, but understood. I hope she can get back in because I really don't know anyone else there. And that makes me a bit uncomfortable. It's usually the only class I schedule for the year. But... And a big but for me. I have a 3 day hook-in in Shipshewana next week and a class with Kris Miller in September. Thank you Lauren for inviting me to both. 

Happy hooking, Sue

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Bed Hogs

 I don't feel the best today. So I thought I'd lay down for a bit before we have Sunday dinner.

The cat was already in my bed. The others joined me within two minutes. I sleep in a twin bed and these three are hogging the whole bottom of the bed. My grandson says it's cause they love me. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

It's mid 2024, already

Tomorrow is Independence Day. My, oh my, how the time is flying. When I was younger and so busy with kids, a spouse, a house, a job I thought time would slow down as I got older and had less to do. But it seems life just goes faster. And faster. I do lots less, that takes me more time than ever. I move slower than I used to. I'm having more trouble opening jars. Oh, such it is to get older. but anyways.... I am grateful for each day. 

Still no hooking, still haven't found that darned pattern. But I did ask Saundra of Woodland Junction to draw up two antique reproductions. I have a retreat with Maria Barton coming up in mid July, followed by a hook-in the next week. 

So I've been sewing. I finished up two more donation quilts for snuggled in Hope. And am already working on a new one.

Have a safe and fun holiday, Sue

Saturday, June 29, 2024

All is Well

 It's just been a long time since I posted. Mostly it's because I feel like I lead a fairly boring life and don't have much to share. I garden, both flowers and vegetables, I make quilts, I make hooked rugs, I bake, I cook. I spend a lot of time with my grandchildren. I don't travel much, I don't shop much, I am very much a homebody.

I did it again. I misplaced a pattern I bought with intention of making it into a rug. I cleaned my sewing room and put stuff away. I thought it was in my hooking cupboard, but I sure can't find it. It's a Maggie Bonanomi pattern, Old Settlement.

So I've been sewing. This quilt is for a friend's birthday on Monday. I finished sewing down the binding today. Just in time. I hope she likes it. It's too bright for my liking. But not everyone likes dull and primitive.

This one was made all from my stash/scraps. I like it when I can use up things I already have. It is the Pineapple Blossom pattern, a freebie on Bonnie Hunter's blog. 

Lucy, my 15 year old cat, was outside with me as I took photos. She's not a lovely kind of cat, that is unless she wants petted. 

While outside I took a few photos of my flowers in my front yard. I usually trim off all the hosta flowers. I don't care for them. But these look pretty today.

These flowers are in an old copper washtub. I moved that tub from Ohio to Georgia, then back to Ohio. It's got a lovely green patina. 

Lauren gave me this old broken trellis. I love garden junk. I'm training a black eyed Susan vine to grow up it. It's in a planter box I use to hide the garbage can. 

I hope y'all enjoy the weekend and the upcoming Independence Day activities. 


Saturday, May 4, 2024

A New Purple Pillow

Lexi gave me this pillow when she was four years old. It is well loved. It's just the right size for sleeping on. This pillow has gone many places. It has gone on vacations with me, it has gone to the hospital with me, it has gone back and forth from Ohio to Georgia on those many trips I've taken. 
  But this poor pillow has become lumpy and bumpy. It's no longer a comfortable pillow to rest my head upon. It has been relegated to a comfort "hug" pillow. 
  I've been looking for a new pillow without success. Too big, too small, too hard, etc. Kinda sounds like Goldilocks. 
  Yesterday Lexi, who is now 15, gave me a new pillow. She said it's not exact, but the sentiment is the same. 

I love that girl. 

Camp Rug

 Rug Camp with Maria Barton was a bust for me. She was great, and sweet, and smart. Did you know she'd been a judge, now recently retire...