Saturday, February 5, 2022

Got the Winter Slowdowns

 Ho hum, 

My life has been pretty boring, not a whole lot going on. We got hit with a major snowstorm Wednesday and Thursday. We knew it was coming, just not sure how much snow and ice we would actually get. We ended up getting an ice glazing and about a foot of snow. It has drifted to about two feet in some places. I had prepared for this one. I went grocery shopping, and carried in extra firewood in case we lost power. Had the flashlights and candles and kerosene lamps ready to go. My 13 year old granddaughter elected to stay here with me. The worse thing that happened, well the dog came back in after a potty break and peed on the floor. In his defense, the snow came up to his belly. Poor guy had trouble walking through all that s... . Luckily my son, daughter in law and 3 year old grandson came over today and shoveled/snow blowed the drive. And it's a loooong drive. But I have no plans to go anywhere - at least not today.

I've been sewing, but no hooking. For January the unfinished quilt project was #12. This was one I had just started in December. It'll be for my newest daughter in law. She wants blues and purples,  perhaps with squares. I got the top completely sewn. I need to trim it up, then press it good, then send to the quilters. I do hope she likes it. i like it. It's a big one, at 102" square.

I also worked on a donation quilt. I had some pink polka dot 8" squares. I was going to make another " June" pattern, but found that I was tired of making the strip pieces. I made some pinwheels, added sashing. I still need to add a border. My quilter will longarm donation quilts at no cost. I like to donate my quilts to Snuggled in Hope. It's a summer camp, here in Ohio, for kids with disabilities. Example, one week is heart week, there's a kidney week, a facial  anomaly week, etc. They like for each camper to have a quilt to use and to take home. I've been sending quilts here for about 5 years now. 

The color of the month for January was red. I liked a scrap buster quilt I had seen on a facebook group. The pattern is a variation of Jericho Walls. It's scrap friendly and sews up quickly. It's one of those that you get one block done and it's so pretty you immediately want to sew another. I made 6 blocks. The color for February is aqua/teal. And I've made 7 of those. This quilt is for my 3 year old grandson. He asked for bright colors, "no dark colors grandma". This is supposed to be a year long project as they give a color selection for 9 or 10 months, then put it together. Even though it's for a boy l plan to include pinks and purples. 

The unfinished quilt project for February is #7. This is not just unfinished, it's not even started. I have pulled fabric for it. And that's it. But I'll work on it. I've decided I want a consistent light gray for the background. So I will have to go shopping. Just not today. I really liked the gray print fabric and pulled in everything else to match that. The pattern I'll be using is called "Both Sides of the Pond" . It's in one of my many books and is jelly roll friendly.

The problem I see with the UFO and color challenge is it doesn't leave much room for a brand new project.

A New Purple Pillow

Lexi gave me this pillow when she was four years old. It is well loved. It's just the right size for sleeping on. This pillow has gone m...