Friday, June 2, 2023

Plodding Along

 After reading your comments I realize my photos were misleading. Both pictures of my Warm Friendship rug show the new red I decided to use. Once I knew I was not pleased with the darker red I ripped it out without taking a photo.  But here's a picture of the two wools.

Not quite a true color, but you can see the difference in value and color. The hooking so far is going quickly, mainly because there's not much thinking to do. I have a clear vision for the word portion. 

My golden color is much more golden yellow than the original rug, but I'm going to leave it. I like it. 

Poor Henry. He's probably thinking, "I'm a good dog, why am I in jail". And he is a good dog. The other one, not so much.

Have a great weekend.



  1. Love that gold color and the rug is coming along nicely!!!

  2. I guess that is why we couldn't see a difference in the!
    I am envious. No way could I hook that rug with a vision and not needing to think. Your words look great.
    Poor Henry. Does the other dog's name start with a D and end in a Y?

  3. Aha now it makes sense why we all thought the same. Looking good! I hope Henry gets out of jail soon. He is probably asking when do I get paroled. Hope you have a great weekend! Janice

  4. Even for not having to think much, that's a lot of hooking in my book. Looking great! ~Robin~


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