Sunday, November 24, 2024

Three down, one to go

 I've been hooking a bit this week on the Birds in the Garden rug. I've got three of the birds hooked. Yay!! And I have a plan for the center and the sides. Between Maria and I it's been drawn on it so many times I can hardly make out the final design. I'll just muddle on through. 

I've also realized I don't have enough background to do it all in what you see. I contacted my local ( an hour away) shop and she does not have that specific wool or another I'd considered. So I went through my worm box and will just mix in a bunch of dark colored wools. I think the center will have to be even a different color. I sure hope this works out like I've got planned. 

I've also rearranged my sewing room to accommodate hooking in there. Maybe I'll get more hooking done when I can just leave my mess and start up again another day. When I hook in my living room I really dislike seeing the mess. We shall see, especially as it gets colder. I supplement my heat by burning wood. The living room is usually much warmer. 

This week is Thanksgiving. I have so much to be thankful for. I think being thankful is a choice. You can look for the good in life, or dwell on the not so good. Thanksgiving will be at my house, just a few of us. But life is good. 

Enjoy the holiday. Enjoy those who you are celebrating with. 


  1. Antique rugs had blocks of close but not the same color so your plan should work. Great job on reshaping the birds
    Oh, the mess. Yes I hate seeing the mess I make when I'm hooking rugs and I hook in the living room. Once the rug is done the mess gets cleaned up ~ uh, until I start a new project, lol.
    I agree with you that thankfulness and happiness are choices tho some might disagree with us. Like you, I'm thankful for what I have and not what I don't have or wish I had. Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. It is looking good. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  3. I am sure your finish will be absolutely wonderful and antique looking.
    I used to hook upstairs until I had foot surgery a few years ago and never moved back up there. The mess in the living room, is well, a total mess!
    I, too, have much to be thankful for...and I am thankful to call you friend ;-)

  4. Happy Thanksgiving. Your rug is looking mighty fine. Janice
