Monday, December 2, 2024

What I've Been Working On

 I've made a lot of progress this week. A lot. 

As I said, a lot. It's so much easier to work on when there's a plan. I still don't know what I'm going to hook across the bottom, but the rest is pretty well planned out. 

Bird #1 got some background filled in. 

So did bird #2.

And then I hooked this basket in-between those two birds. I'm going to put some flowers in the basket, I just haven't decided what color the flowers will be. 

Plus a few blades of grass. 

Here's the other side. I've mostly worked on the right side, so the only thing with this bird is a bit of background. And I added the beeskep. I had to reverse hook a bit on this as I had too much gold in it. 

Bird #4 got some stems placed. 

For the center I hooked a log cabin. Now this I hooked three times. The first was a golden color, the second the logs were too dark, then the chinking was too light. I reverse hooked the roof, but I got the chimney right the first time. 

Thanksgiving was very good. Just my son and his kids. But the company and the food was very good. I kept Mac overnight and took him swimming at the Y on Friday.

Several of the blogs I read have already decked their home out for Christmas. Today I got a few totes out but I'm really not in the spirit of Christmas yet. Time flies, Christmas is just three weeks away. My shopping is almost done, mostly through Amazon and Wal-Mart. I signed up for the Wal-Mart + deal and got a couple gifts and groceries delivered right to the front door. Am I supposed to tip the delivery lady? I did, but my daughter in law says she does not. I did like the delivery aspect. And I get paramount+ for a year. 

Have a good week, Sue


  1. Your rug looks amazing. I love the log cabin!!!
    I haven't had time to pull a loop in forever, but I am binding Mr. Jingles since he will need to be shipped off soon.
    I have been the crazy Christmas lady. I have been working for hours every day and am wondering why I put myself thru this...but I do love it when it is done.
    Still have more gifts to come up with, too.
    I'm glad Thanksgiving was good and I'm sure Mac loved spending the night with you.
    I've never had a Wal-Mart or any such thing delivery, but I'm sure the tip is greatly appreciated!

  2. I LOVE the cabin!!!! The basket and bee skep are great too. So m'dear next time you get hanker'n for a new antique adaptation to hook you should do your own adaptation since you and only you know what you want. AND, you're good at it. Great work and can't wait to see the finish.
    I've never had a Walmart delivered here either. Hope others will speak up so I can find out the protocol in case I stop driving.

  3. Looking mighty fine! Being a prim lover I so love your color choices for this rug. Cannot wait to see it finished. Janice

  4. Oooh that’s so appealing to my eyes….your colors, the motifs and beautiful hooking.

  5. Great progress on your rug and great color plan.
    I got the decorating done early because I have such a busy December. I don't know if you tip or not we do not have that service offered here in the woods.
