Friday, January 24, 2025

I Promise, I didn't scalp him

Henry needed a haircut. I was trying to wait til it wasn't so cold, but when his hair gets longer it also gets matted. Today was haircut day. 

I removed lots and lots of hair. I still need to shape him up a bit. I use a smaller tool for his paws and face. Plus he'd had enough for today. Henry is such a good little dog.

I think he's saying, Yay, she's done 

I do believe my amaryllis will be the white with pink one. Yay, my favorite. 

Y'all have a great weekend. Sue


  1. Oh my! That is a LOT of hair removed, but he looks like a new dog! Too stinkin’ cute. Sweet Henry 💙🐾
    Lauren ~ Rugs and Pugs

  2. I must say the first picture makes it look like Henry is laying!

  3. Looks like you have a future in dog grooming, he looks pretty good.

  4. Looks like you could of made another dog out of that.

  5. Are you sure that hair was just from one dog? LOL He is such a sweetie. Janice
