Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Rug Camp with Katie Hartner

 Last week Lauren, of Rugs and Pugs, and I went to Pennsylvania for a three day class with Katie Hartner. She was such a a sweet teacher. This was the best camp I've attended for years. The room was a bit crowded, but other than that, all was wonderful. Just wonderful. 

This was my rug. I wanted a soft look and I think I am achieving that goal. Keeping it in only in medium and light values has been more difficult than I thought it would be. The camera shows a few areas that may need to be changed. Like that leaf top right. 

Here are the other folks rugs. 

This woman was punching her rug. She says it works better for her. And it looks just like a regular hooked rug from the front. 

This one is Lauren's rug. It is so cute. 

Today is a better today. The pain is less, I'm definitely more awake. They did pinch my upper lip and I have quite a sore lip. But things are looking up. 

It shouldn't take me much longer to finish up my new rug, just in time for spring. It's almost here. Almost.



  1. Your rug is almost done. I see what you mean about that one stand-out green leaf. That design looks so much different in pastels than the bold dark colors I used. Interesting how color changes the temperature or feeling of a rug.

  2. Your rug is Beautiful ! Love your pretty soft colors ....Isn't Katie Hartner such a nice gal ....I took a class from her and felt like she was an old friend , she was so nice and I learned a lot . All of the rugs are great . Love Lauren's , I follow her blog and she said to visit yours for a great rug show . Hope you feel better ! Thank you for sharing pictures !

  3. So happy to have you as my "travel buddy"!!! It was a great class. Your rug is so much better in person. Not much more to what's up next? Finishing the hit 'n miss?
    Happy to hear today is a better day.
