Monday, March 20, 2023

What to hook??

 I've been in a hooking slump. I have two projects that are stalled. I just don't know what colors I want to use. This first project is going to be a purse. This was a pattern from Woolley Fox (now A Nimble Thimble), called Magdelena's animals purse.

I've hooked and rehooked the two blank areas numerous times. The duck most recently was green. By itself it looked pretty good, but within the whole rug, not so good. The other place is supposed to be a dog with a stripe. It looks more like a big blob when hooked. I think I'm going to hook the dog in scrappy blues and hmm, purple for the duck.

I've been working on the floral rug for years. Years. This project too has had numerous redos. i started it in a class. After a bit even she told me, "I just don't know what else to tell you". I was really disappointed with this statement. So off and on I work on this rug and I know that someday I will finish it. It probably won't be my favorite rug, but it will be done. This pattern is from Visions of Ewe called Low Country Garden.

I have an upcoming class/retreat with Jan Cole of Wool'n Gardener coming up in July. She wants to know what we'll be working on by April 1st. So I've got to make a plan. I did ask my granddaughter to draw up a pattern. She does pretty well at drawing up antique adaptation pieces. 

She's 14 and sweet as can be. 
Have a wonderful day, Sue


  1. Oh, so you have one of those 'forever florals' in progress? Didn't think I'd ever get mine finished but it is all hooked and bound thank goodness. Just keep plugging along and those UFOs will eventually be do ne.

  2. Lucky you to have such a talented granddaughter!
    So sorry I have to miss the Jan Cole class ;-(
    Your floral has taken a 180* turn from what I remember as your original thoughts on it. I know it gets frustrating, but you are doing good!!!


A New Purple Pillow

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