Monday, June 5, 2023

Time to Change Out Rugs

 While it's still technically spring, I'm ready to welcome summer. I have so many rugs that I try to change them out seasonally. Goodbye spring.

Tulips and Peonies, a Maggie Bonanomi pattern from one of her books. I think I have all of her books.

A little spring bird. I forget where I got this one.

Chicken Lady from not Forgotten Farm.

A found this paper pattern at the Plaid Sheep in Berlin, Ohio (Amish country). 

And made a mug rug to match it.

I'll take these down and look in the trunk for summery rugs. Have a good day. 


  1. I also enjoy switching out my rugs. Partly because of the change of season, holiday but mostly because I want to enjoy what I've hooked. Thanks for showing us more of your work!

  2. You have hooked some real beauties! I'm looking forward to seeing their summer replacements! ~Robin~

  3. I hooked that Maggie rug when I met you at camp in Florida. Love your version.
    That pattern from the Plaid Sheep looks like a Terri Leamer (Winter Cottage Studio) pattern. Good job...and keep up the blogging ;-)


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