Saturday, May 4, 2024

A New Purple Pillow

Lexi gave me this pillow when she was four years old. It is well loved. It's just the right size for sleeping on. This pillow has gone many places. It has gone on vacations with me, it has gone to the hospital with me, it has gone back and forth from Ohio to Georgia on those many trips I've taken. 
  But this poor pillow has become lumpy and bumpy. It's no longer a comfortable pillow to rest my head upon. It has been relegated to a comfort "hug" pillow. 
  I've been looking for a new pillow without success. Too big, too small, too hard, etc. Kinda sounds like Goldilocks. 
  Yesterday Lexi, who is now 15, gave me a new pillow. She said it's not exact, but the sentiment is the same. 

I love that girl. 


  1. How sweet! Lex would be easy to love ;-)

  2. Lexi is the sweetest. Am sure your new pillow will join in making the memories like that of the old one. Janice

  3. What a sweet girl. The pillow is lovely and is full of love. I'm sure you'll treasure it for a long time.

  4. Aren’t Grandkids just the BEST?!


Feeding the Birds

This is a new one here for me, a Northern Flicker.  It's been so cold I haven't ventured out much. Today we're in a warming tren...