Saturday, June 29, 2024

All is Well

 It's just been a long time since I posted. Mostly it's because I feel like I lead a fairly boring life and don't have much to share. I garden, both flowers and vegetables, I make quilts, I make hooked rugs, I bake, I cook. I spend a lot of time with my grandchildren. I don't travel much, I don't shop much, I am very much a homebody.

I did it again. I misplaced a pattern I bought with intention of making it into a rug. I cleaned my sewing room and put stuff away. I thought it was in my hooking cupboard, but I sure can't find it. It's a Maggie Bonanomi pattern, Old Settlement.

So I've been sewing. This quilt is for a friend's birthday on Monday. I finished sewing down the binding today. Just in time. I hope she likes it. It's too bright for my liking. But not everyone likes dull and primitive.

This one was made all from my stash/scraps. I like it when I can use up things I already have. It is the Pineapple Blossom pattern, a freebie on Bonnie Hunter's blog. 

Lucy, my 15 year old cat, was outside with me as I took photos. She's not a lovely kind of cat, that is unless she wants petted. 

While outside I took a few photos of my flowers in my front yard. I usually trim off all the hosta flowers. I don't care for them. But these look pretty today.

These flowers are in an old copper washtub. I moved that tub from Ohio to Georgia, then back to Ohio. It's got a lovely green patina. 

Lauren gave me this old broken trellis. I love garden junk. I'm training a black eyed Susan vine to grow up it. It's in a planter box I use to hide the garbage can. 

I hope y'all enjoy the weekend and the upcoming Independence Day activities. 


It's mid 2024, already

Tomorrow is Independence Day. My, oh my, how the time is flying. When I was younger and so busy with kids, a spouse, a house, a job I though...