Friday, August 16, 2024

Around the Yard

 I walked around the house and snapped a few pictures. It has been so dry here this year. The grass is brownish green, leaves are already starting to turn. It's hot, but then cold at night. Fall is nearly here. My son trimmed one of my trees. Many of the limbs are dead. It's been my job to cut the branches into smaller pieces. Mac has been helping me. We've already had two fires. And plan on several more.

A side view of the house.

I bought two of these crib support frames. I'll use them as trellises in the garden. this was another Lauren twisted my arm. Her gardens are so cute so I'll use them as inspiration for my own gardens. 

Phew. I've also been working on this walkway. Last year I salvaged the limestone stepping stones. I've had the grind stone for many years. Now it will be the first step off of the patio. This has been really hard work as the soil is very dry and very hard. I've decided to purchase bags of top soil as filler instead of trying to salvage the yard dirt.  That should make it easier and thus go faster. I'm hoping there is enough stones to lead to th small shed, and maybe a branch leading to the big shed. 

This is a new garden spot this year. So far it's looking good. I'll keep adding to it each year. I'm already thinking about making it wider. 

And little Daisy. Daisy is now two years old. She's a really sweet pup.


  1. Pretty flowers. So hard to garden with bad dirt. Janice

  2. Yard still looks good.
    How sweet that Mac is your helper.
    I'm jealous that I don't have a grindstone.
    Do you have more bruises from me twisting your arm? Hey, those are perfect for trellises and what did the two of them cost? Wasn't it like $4? A steal.
