Sunday, August 25, 2024

In the Garden

 I'm starting to pull up my veggies. Prime growing time is over here in Ohio. These are the few carrots. It's about the same amount I got last year.

This is my first year at growing potatoes. When I went to harvest I came across a few slimy ones, so something has gotten to them. And they are two different colors. I haven't a clue why. 

I planted several pumpkins. This is the only one that came from a purposefully planted seed. It will be orange.

These other pumpkins came from a pumpkin I tossed into a garden bed last fall. I threw out the big orange pumpkins, some white pumpkins, and a blue squash pumpkin into this bed. Boy I wish the blue one was the one that self seeded itself. This pumpkin vine is in the middle of the strawberries. I counted 5 so far. The biggest one is a beige color, the others are white. 

The onions did pretty well this year. Not real big, but half a big basket full and they taste good.

And finally the tomatoes. They have done really well this year. I mostly just eat them raw or I roast them and make them into a soup base for taco soup. Yum. But I have been enjoying a tomato sandwich,just add a little mayo and a little salt. And presto, yummy delicious. 

It's going to be a hot, hot week. Be safe. 



  1. I also love tomatoes, tho I don't have a garden but buy them from the farm growers. Love them raw, in soups and like you just a plain ole tomato sandwich.

  2. Home grown tomatoes. If I were closer, I would be snitching them from you! I grew up on tomatoes sandwiches, but we used Miracle Whip rather than mayo. LOL. I haven't bought Miracle Whip in 40 or more years.
    Gardens are looking tired, aren't they? My flower beds have been somewhat neglected. The few annuals I have are not looking good. Oh, I love fall but absolutely HATE what comes afterward!!!

  3. Your garden is looking good. Our carrots are just starting to pop out of the ground. Been enjoying our jalepenos and tomatoes. Nothing beats home grown. Janice
