Monday, August 12, 2024

Because a Girl Always Needs More Wool

 Lauren, of Rugs and Pugs, twisted my arm and made me, I mean made me, buy more wool. It is lovely wool. Almost all is over dyed or spotted. It's all just so beautiful. We split the box of wool doing the one for you and one for me method this is my haul. 

At the hook-in I bought some wool and Lauren gave me some. She's nice like that. 

Paula Shultz, of A Primitive Past shop, had this purse she was using as her money bag. Love it. 

And Sally Reuter, who was the organizer for Shipshewana, drew up this pattern and had them for sale.  So, I bought one. 

Seeing other's work inspired me to also make beautiful things. Now to get busy. 


  1. Although I don't really need wool Lauren wouldn't have to twist my arm to make me buy more, lol. What a lovely bunch of wool you two purchased.

  2. Hmmm.... some of that wool looks familiar! lol! Love that little pumpkin pattern! Smiles! Sharon

  3. Lauren has a way dont she. wink wink. Love that pumpkin pattern. Janice

  4. I bet you still have the bruises from me twisting your! And I'm nice. Gee, you are making me blush.
    I can't wait until I see your purse hooked!!!
