Wednesday, August 28, 2024

What I'm Working On

 A few weeks ago I shared a post of many unfinished rug hooking items. Plus there are a couple that laid forgotten and not counted into the tally. So I've made myself a list and hope to complete at least two of the items per month. 

For August I finished this little heart. This must have been from when I was really new to hooking. It's on burlap. It just needed to be bound. The first wool yarn I tried to use just pulled apart when attempting to pull it through those tiny holes. I ended up using a dark gray wool yarn and whipped it. I used to do all my rugs this way. Now it is not my favorite way to bind.

I finished hooking the turkey rug. It has been steamed, zigzagged, etc.  The wool binding has been sewn onto the rug and I'm turning and securing it. I'm sure I'll get this done. There's not much left to do. 

On a fun note, Mac has been taking gocarting lessons. His grandpa has been taking Mac and his cousins to a racetrack in Fremont Ohio. Today was the cousin's first race. In two weeks Mac will be in his first race. Sounds fun and exciting. 

Now this is a fancy gocart. Nothing like the one I had for the kids when they were young.


  1. Finishing two WIPs a month is very ambitious. Good luck to you. I have never finished a rug by whipping and using rug tape. Looks like too much work!
    Oh, your turkey rug came out GREAT! I have it on linen, but will I get around to hooking it this year? Most likely not.
    Mac looks like he will be a little speed demon ;-)

  2. Still loving this turkey. Gobble Gobble. Janice
