Thursday, September 5, 2024

Fall is upon us

 The nights are cooler, the days waiver between hot and chilly. I've built a couple fires in the wood burner. I have used the AC this week. Welcome to Ohio weather. I like fall. I like it for the cooler weather, fires in the fire pit, fresh apples and fresh cider from the local orchard, the smell of fall, the leaves, smoke from the chimneys. I can get my cozy sweaters out from storage. But.... This is a big but. I don't like fall because it means winter is coming. I've ordered a dump truck of wood. I'm cleaning up the garden beds. Yeah, I dislike being cold. 

I finished my Cabbage Rose hooked piece. I turned it into a pillow. 

I used a piece of gold and green striped wool for the back. It was a piece that I thought was maybe too bright for my primitive palate to hook with. But I think it looks great for the pillow. I got this wool in that box Lauren and I bought from Sharon Bennett. All the wool just feels so soft and lovely. 

Later today my neighbor and I are heading to the local Mennonite farm stand. They've got the greatest produce there. I'm hoping to find red beets. 

Have a blessed day, Sue 


  1. Love your finished piece!!!! I have some of that wool purchased years ago and liked it better when I gave it a soak in an "old patina" dye mixture. Congrats on finishing one more project.

  2. Congrats on another wonderful finish!!!
    I have the same feelings about fall as you do!!! It is arriving much too quickly. Heat and a/c in the same day? Yup...welcome to Ohio.

  3. What wonderful colors. We are having the same weather here in NH . our mornings are mid 40s but warms up nicely to the 70s.
    I don't love the winter but I don't mind it either. I can dress warm enough and we have lots of wood for the fireplace and woodstove so we are always pretty cozy

  4. That is a mighty fine pillow. Wonderful job and perfect got this iime of year. Janice

  5. Your hooked pillow looks great. Just in time to sit cosy by a wood fire.
    Fall is coming early here too. Take care.
