Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Making Progress

 I've not worked much on my Birds in the Garden rug. But slowly it's coming along. This rug sat for about six months because I just didn't know what to do with it. I've reworked two of the birds, one is still waiting. I made all of the acorns the larger variety. I've added a few motifs.

I filled the basket with little yellow, white, and orange flowers. It turned out really cute.

I hooked this acorn this week. 

And I started the fourth corner. The leaves are completed. Unless I decide to change something. 

The weather is to turn much colder tonight with some snow and a wind chill below zero. This cold front is only to last about 24'. Then back up in the 30's. Winter is when I really miss living in Georgia. 

I'm almost ready for Christmas. The house is decorated. Not to the extent of many of you, but simple and bright. The shopping is done, and I'll make some cut out cookies next week. Life is good. 



  1. You've made great progress. That cold, yup, arrived here in the middle of the night last night and it is hovering around the freezing mark right now. Only to reach a high of 42 today.

  2. Your rug is coming out so wonderful! Great changes. I am decorated over the top and feel that I really would like to go simple I may rethink things for next year.
    I love living in northern NH at Christmas , we had lots of rain but we still have snow left it feels like Christmas. But talk to me in Feb when we have had storm after storm lol

  3. Your rug is looking amazing. You have made some wonderful changes. Absolutely love the log cabin!
    I haven't had a hook or needle in hand for ages. Hopefully soon.
    Frigid "up north" in Ohio. Windchill was at -5* this morning with wind gusts up to 39 mph!!! I'd be missing Georgia, too.

  4. Looking very good! Loving all of the colors. Janice
