Thursday, December 12, 2024

Oh, to be young again

 Baby it's cold, it's cold outside. The thermometer reads 11', with a wind chill of -5'. Too cold for me. I truly dislike being cold. 

And this is Mac. First he cleaned the snow off the truck. I'm not even driving the truck right now. It's sitting with a power trickler hooked up to it. He then asked to shovel the drive. There's really no need, but he wanted to, so I gave him the snow shovel. 

He's so sweet, and so funny.

A great day to just stay inside. 

1 comment:

  1. I hate being cold, too. We were just a tad warmer but with the windchill we were at -4.
    Go Mac! You have more snow than we do. I am not jealous whatsoever!
