Friday, January 17, 2025

Looking Though Patterns


Lauren (Rugs and Pugs) and I will be going to a rug camp with Katie Hartner as our teacher in March. Lauren asked me what pattern I would be working on. Hmmm . Do I have one I want to do? Should I draw one up? Should I buy one?? I went to the Woolley Fox site and didn't fall in love with any of her patterns. Some I liked, some I've already hooked. I was a big Woolley Fox fan in the early 2000's after attending a rug camp at Barb Carroll's.

Anyways, I decided to look through what I have. I'll organize, I'll make a list. And so I did. I have patterns, I have pieces of linen, I have red dot tracer and I have ideas. But I did not come up with an idea for rug camp. Not yet. 

I was telling Lauren that I had a Woolley Fox pattern that I had started hooking long ago. It was to be for a grandson's nursery. I hooked and hooked. I got it 2/3 done and my daughter informed me she changed the nursery theme. What???? So I never worked on it again. It sat in the corner, it moved to Georgia, it moved back to Ohio, still in the corner. Said grandson is now 23 years old. 

So I pulled it out of hiding. Looked at it some more, and I don't like it. There's nothing wrong with it, I just don't like it. I can't see where I'd ever use it even if it was completed.  So yesterday I pulled out all those loops, being careful so I can reuse both the wool and the pattern. 

Here's the worms. I even separated them by color. I still have lots of the background color in yardage. I thought that maybe someday I would finish this rug and need it. so I never let myself use that wool. 

These are the threads, not a whole lot. I was being careful after all. 

I see where the pattern got dirty. I plan on cleaning it up, then ironing it. I'm going to use some type of device and roll over it hoping to close up some of the holes. That's my plan. As far as rehooking it I haven't decided. Maybe a large geometric or enlarge the Maggie Bonanomi settlement pattern I bought years ago. 

I get Mac on the school bus everyday. Today he asked me to take his picture with Henry. This was the only time this morning that he was quiet. He talked and talked and talked some more. I jokingly told his dad that he talked so much my ears hurt. And not the conversation kind of talking, just saying something, anything to be talking. 

All is well here. The sun is shining, the home fire is burning. Have a great day 



  1. You have quite a nice pile of drawn patterns in your stash. You've plenty of time to figure out what you want to hook in March and draw it out too. Looking forward to what you'll decide.

  2. Your furkids are too stinkin' cute...and so is Mac. I love those gingers ;-)
    I can't believe you reverse hooked that entire rug. ARGH!!!
    I have always loved the heart rug under all your patterns. HHHMMMM??? Is that a possibility for me? I haven't a clue!!!

  3. Youzers on all of those loops you pulled out. I also like that heart rug I saw. Good luck with picking out your pattern and hope you have a wonderful time. Janice

  4. That sweet little boy make sure to enjoy that talking because you will miss it when he is grown.
    I am impressed you pulled out all that hooking!! wow!
    you still have a bit of time to decide.


Feeding the Birds

This is a new one here for me, a Northern Flicker.  It's been so cold I haven't ventured out much. Today we're in a warming tren...