Thursday, February 27, 2025

How to contain those darn worms

 How?? How? What will be the best way to contain these worms, yet be available for using? I just don't know. I've made such a mess. In reality I made a mess, Daisy made it a big mess. I had these neat piles going, until Daisy ran through them. 

Lauren (Rugs &Pugs) has inspired me to use up some of these worms. By some I mean a whole lot. My worm bin is overflowing. But back to Lauren. She recently has been working on a hit n miss rug. I love it. I also love the idea of using worms. I hopefully will not have to cut anything except the dark outline strips. 

I had found a couple of rug patterns at the thrift store for just a couple bucks. But they are on monks cloth. That's not my favorite foundation to work with. It's too soft, too floppy. I tend to pack the wool in, even more so on monks cloth. And then it bubbles or puckers. 

This piece was "The Cow Jumped Over the Moon". It is now going to be my hit n miss. 

This is the end of day one.

So back to my question. What is the best way to contain these worms???


  1. I also don't like monks cloth because no matter how I try my hook seems to find its way in between threads of the weave instead of the intended opening. As to storing those wooly worms, I used storage bags for each color.
    That said, even when I start a new project with my bags of different colors a lot of colors seem to get mixed together all around me. Once the rug is done it is back to separating them once again. Good luck controlling and containing the worm organization.

  2. I keep my worms sorted by color (well…sort of) in the plastic tubs about the size of two show boxes. As I hooked my hit ‘n miss, I would take a bunch of worms from each tub and keep them by my hooking chair all mixed together. That way the bulk of the worms were still stored. I would replenish when I used up a majority of the previously chosen ones. It kept the mess somewhat contained in another room.
    You are off to a good start!

    1. I’m sure you figured it out…but that was Lauren of Rugs and Pugs who commented 🤦‍♀️

  3. I am a cut as you go person so I do not get as many worms as most of you do. But if I do I make a bundle and wrap one of the worms around it so I can just pull the worms out as I want them
