Friday, February 28, 2025

I Gave Up

 I gave up trying to control these worms. I tried the bags, I tried piles, I tried solo cups. None of these worked for me. I just kept making a huge mess. So I went through all my bags of worms as they were already separated by color. I picked out the ones I wanted to use. I tossed aside those that were too bright, too multicolored, too plaid. And then I tossed them all into a tote. And this seems to be working. 

I have extras of almost every color, except green. I used a lot of green in the garden rug.

These are some of the ones that didn't get chosen. So therefore, I still have a lot of worms to use up. 

I'm making progress, this is the end of hooking day #2. 

Mac and Lexi will be spending the night. Tomorrow I'll take Mac to Home Depot for his monthly build session. I was going to take them to Maple Sugar Days at Malabar Farm, but the weather is to get much cooler overnight. So maybe next weekend. My favorite thing is the taste testing of the fresh syrup and visiting the store. We always get some maple sugar candies and cotton candy. They take you up the hill to the sugar making cabin in a horse drawn wagon. It makes for a fun day. 

Have a wonderful good weekend.



  1. Your rug is already pretty! Malabar Farms is an interesting place to visit. My son and grandson do the Home Depot projects too. Lowes also offers them once a month and instead of painted wood projects they use stickers. Parents seem to appreciate that for the car drive home as the paint never has time to completely dry. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. I like what you have started. You look organized to me.

  3. I'm happy you found a system that works for you! Your rug is off to a good start...but somehow looks vaguely! How big are your squares? Isn't that mindless hooking just great after all the thinking you had to do on your previous rug?
    Maple sugar candy. That was my absolute favorite thing when I was young. It sounds like a fun day for Lex and Mac...grandma, too. I have never been to a maple sugar days.
    I'm sure Mac will have a great time at HD. Such a good grandma. Those are some lucky grandkids ;-)

  4. Whatever works. Love the progress on your new geometric rug.
