Friday, February 16, 2024


 SAHRR means Stay at Home Round Robin.

A round robin quilt is usually done as a group. You make your middle block and then over a period of months it is passed to other members who add another border (round) to your quilt. Each passing of the quilt goes to another member. The original person does not get to see the progress. 

I was reading a blog ( ) that said she was participating in this stay at home round robin. It has become a yearly thing started during Covid. It has grown so that there are weekly drawings for prizes if you complete your round in a timely manner. I am already behind. By the time I saw it they were on round 2.  And that was a couple of weeks ago. Each week they give a suggestion on what technique or square to use. 

So I thought, what should my starting block be?? A star? A churn dash? So many options. I like big quilts so I thought, well I need a big starting block. Hmmm. I had gotten a bunch of blocks from another blogger ( ). She said she just didn't like how it was turning out so she was getting rid of them for postage only. I said, Me, pick me. And she did. 

She had attempted to sew them together, but when it didn't work out, she took the blocks apart causing some damage to some of the blocks. I made many repairs. And then they sat. 

So I decided to use them as my starting point. There are 66 of these blocks. She said the pattern was either farmer's wife or civil war pattern. I used 16 of my favorite  ones together with some brown sashing. Looks great. I think it looks great. I love using reproduction fabrics. 

The SAHRR suggested a signature block for the first round. Hmm, no. So I made quarter square triangles. Again, very cute. But... And a big but. The starting block is 1/2" too big. That's a lot in the quilting world. I took in some of the seams. Okay, now I'm ready.

 I made 44 QST's. And then I thought it was too varied in colors. So I kept the red in each block and  varied the alternating colors to be cheddar, brown, and tan. I'll get this round done next week. I like to sew during the week when I'm babysitting. I can go in my sewing room and sew, then close the door when nap time is over.

I like to hook on the weekends. I make such a mess, worms all over, wool here, hook there. I clean up when Monday rolls around. Here's the progress I've made on my Rug of Two Hearts. 

That's it for today. Yay, it's Friday. Sue


  1. It's interesting to see how various people start hooking their rugs. Some start in the middle and I see you do the outline of your border first. Am looking forward to your progress and see the colors bring the rug to life.

  2. What an interesting thing to have that quilt go around.
    Your rug is going to be great

  3. So the 16 blocks in the first picture is your starting block??? I don't understand quilting jargon ;-) I cannot begin to imagine the work involved (and fabric!!!) involved in 66 blocks. Lucky you to be picked. I am sure you will put them to good use. The cheddars, browns and tans coordinate beautifully. Keep us updated on your progress.

  4. Love the colors in that quilt. I dont know how to quilt, but do love looking at them. You have a nice start on your rug too. Janice
