Thursday, March 30, 2023

Magdalena's Goat


  I fell I love with this rug when Saundra of Woodland Junction introduced it. She was still in the process of hooking it, and oh my, I loved, loved, loved it. She said she would not sell the pattern until.. Hmmm, I think she was letting someone else finish hooking it first. Maybe a relative of Magdalena?? Or the person who wrote the Magdalena book?? I can't quite remember. I think l ordered it just as soon as I could.

  I took the pattern to Off the Ocean rug camp in Jacksonville, Florida. My teacher was Katie Allman. I really didn't need much guidance on this one. I knew how I wanted it to look. A couple reverse hookings happened, as I used to a brown between the body and tail. It made him look like he was pooping. And that was not a good look. 

  I still love this rug. It hangs in my sewing room. And each time I look into my room, there he is. 

  I made him a companion piece done in the same style, Mr. Donkey. This was just a page from a coloring book. I like that they "look at each othet".

  I haven't gotten much done this week. Mac, my 5 year old grandson, is with me Mondays through Thursday while his folks work. He's my bestest pal. But today I also had both his siblings. Lexi is 14 and home sick with tummy issues (think vomiting). She pretty much took care of herself. I had her stay in her bedroom. The 6 month old, Kip, was here too. His regular sitter is also sick. It's going around. I sure hope I don't get it. 

  I was going to meet Lauren, ( Rugs and Pugs) on Saturday at our closest wool and hooking shop. But the shop owner decided not to be open this weekend. Luckily Lauren called to check. I think Lauren is about 40 minutes northeast of the shop. I am about 60 minutes southwest. We'll have to plan another day. It'll be good to see her.

  Until next time, have a wonderful day.  Sue

Saturday, March 25, 2023

It's coming along

 The floral rug is a coming along. Here's where I'm at today. 

I've ripped out a couple more areas. It's really hard to make forward progress when I do that, but I think I finally have a plan. At least for most of it. I took out the iris looking flowers and added the two cone shaped flowers. I removed the one that was like a side view, and made a third rounded flower. I'm still trying to keep to the same color palette using rusts and blues.

I'm not sure what to put here. There are these bud like flowers. I just don't care for them. So... They've got to go. In all there are four areas with these in it. 

And here's my helpers for the day.

Thanks for stopping by. Sue

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Magdelena's Animal Purse


This is my purse that I'm working on. It's Magdalena 's Animals. The end is in sight. I rehooked the dog, it's blue now, and the duck is now purple. That looked pretty good, but now the beak looks too bright. So I rehooked using a lighter purple.

I'm finally happy enough with it to say the hooking is complete. I zigzagged the edges and trimmed the excess linen. Then I steamed it and now it is resting and drying for the next 24 hours. The next step will be to shape it and sew it into a purse. Connie Bradley is going to help me with the putting together and finishing. Connie is the owner of Wool Yankers in Wellington,Ohio. She has a really nice  shop, and Connie is so sweet. I 'll need to make the lining, sew the lining in place, finish the raw edge at the top, and add straps. I bought a purse at the thrift store just for the straps. I haven't decided if I'll leave it as an open top or somehow add a closure. Maybe Connie will help with that issue.

And I have three quilts at the longarmers ready for pick up, and two more to drop off. The binding is already made for 4 out of the 5. So I can show you those soon.

I hope your day is a good one. Sue

Monday, March 20, 2023

What to hook??

 I've been in a hooking slump. I have two projects that are stalled. I just don't know what colors I want to use. This first project is going to be a purse. This was a pattern from Woolley Fox (now A Nimble Thimble), called Magdelena's animals purse.

I've hooked and rehooked the two blank areas numerous times. The duck most recently was green. By itself it looked pretty good, but within the whole rug, not so good. The other place is supposed to be a dog with a stripe. It looks more like a big blob when hooked. I think I'm going to hook the dog in scrappy blues and hmm, purple for the duck.

I've been working on the floral rug for years. Years. This project too has had numerous redos. i started it in a class. After a bit even she told me, "I just don't know what else to tell you". I was really disappointed with this statement. So off and on I work on this rug and I know that someday I will finish it. It probably won't be my favorite rug, but it will be done. This pattern is from Visions of Ewe called Low Country Garden.

I have an upcoming class/retreat with Jan Cole of Wool'n Gardener coming up in July. She wants to know what we'll be working on by April 1st. So I've got to make a plan. I did ask my granddaughter to draw up a pattern. She does pretty well at drawing up antique adaptation pieces. 

She's 14 and sweet as can be. 
Have a wonderful day, Sue

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Thinking about Spring

 Just thinking about spring. I'm just thinking, because it's snowing, great big and pretty flakes. Hopefully it won't snow much. I've got the wood burner going. It's a toasty 77' in the house. This is my second full winter here since moving back from south central Georgia. It's already spring there with the daffodils and azaleas blooming. I do miss Georgia in the winter. But I love my family more. And they are here. My little grandson still tells me, " I missed you so much when you were gone". Bless him. 

Here's a picture of my daffodils and tulips. I do have a couple primroses blooming, even though they are dusted with snow. 

The bunnies have been nibbling at my tulips. Those bad bunnies.

Last week it was a little bit warmer. I went to our county's compost facility and bought a truckload bed of black leaf compost. It's supposed to be great for the garden. Mac and I put in over all the garden area and I still have about 2/3s of a truck bed full. Looks like the flower beds are getting it too.

Mac is not here today, so these are my pals for today. 




And Lucy. She so kindly waited in the house for us.

Spring will be here soon. Well actually Spring is here. Now to get the weather to cooperate. 

Blessings on your day, Sue

A New Purple Pillow

Lexi gave me this pillow when she was four years old. It is well loved. It's just the right size for sleeping on. This pillow has gone m...