Thursday, June 29, 2023


 This year I have quilted more than I've hooked. This is because my grandson, who's 5, really likes to go into my sewing room. He has his own machine, fabric and tools. Santa had brought him a small sewing machine for Christmas. I had a heck of a time threading it. So this week I graduated him to a big machine. His Aunt has been placed into a nursing home and had no further use for a machine. He loves it. And he's quite good with it. 

And on to the show.

This was from a Facebook group I am in. This was the 2022 pattern called A Variation of Jericho Walls. I was also participating in the rainbow scrap challenge. Each month we were assigned a different color to use.  I was going to make one bigger quilt for Mac's bed, but then he changed his mind. So I made two smaller ones. I like to use up fabric that is smallish or something I no longer care for to use for the backing. I go back and forth, when I get tired of piecing a back I'll just use one fabric. I really liked the animal print, but that's all I had of it. Makes a lovely addition to the back.

I often donate quilts to "Snuggled in Hope". It's for a local summer camp for kids with diseases or disabilities. It's grown quite large now and many people donate quilts to them. I'm keeping my ears open for another charity that maybe has more of a need.

This quilt came about after a friend gave me a box containing 4" scrappy squares. About 2 rows in they stopped being squares and got wonky. I just had to square them up. I have ended up really liking this one. But I can't keep them all. 

My friend, Diana, quilts donation quilts for free for our sewing group. It's such a blessing. 

I had thought the previous quilt was the most boring quilt I ever made.  But this next one is BORING. I used a pattern called Take 5. Five fabrics, cool, sounds easy. I have that. It sewed up quickly. And boring. I just backed it in that lighter purple. I still don't care for it. 

These will all be headed to camp next week. 

And now for the furry folks.

Have a good day. It's still smoky and hazy today so we've spent another day inside. 

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Decisions, decisions

 I've been looking through my rugs trying to decide which ones to display. 

These are the ones I've chosen. A couple were obvious, they have flags on them. The others are just because I like them . This is a hit n miss, trying to use up those ever multiplying worms.

An M Shaw from years ago.

A simple flag 

A Maggie Bonanomi from one of her books.

An antique reproduction.

Another simple flag. This one is small, 6x8.

It's a warm day again, and still no rain. There is a chance of rain Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. I sure hope it does. I've been watering my flower and vegetable gardens, but it's just not the same as a good soaking rain. I'm adding another bed to the vegetable garden. But I'm putting some strawberry plants in it. I've never grown strawberries. This year I also added red currants and elderberries. 

Have a good weekend.

Monday, June 5, 2023

Time to Change Out Rugs

 While it's still technically spring, I'm ready to welcome summer. I have so many rugs that I try to change them out seasonally. Goodbye spring.

Tulips and Peonies, a Maggie Bonanomi pattern from one of her books. I think I have all of her books.

A little spring bird. I forget where I got this one.

Chicken Lady from not Forgotten Farm.

A found this paper pattern at the Plaid Sheep in Berlin, Ohio (Amish country). 

And made a mug rug to match it.

I'll take these down and look in the trunk for summery rugs. Have a good day. 

Friday, June 2, 2023

Plodding Along

 After reading your comments I realize my photos were misleading. Both pictures of my Warm Friendship rug show the new red I decided to use. Once I knew I was not pleased with the darker red I ripped it out without taking a photo.  But here's a picture of the two wools.

Not quite a true color, but you can see the difference in value and color. The hooking so far is going quickly, mainly because there's not much thinking to do. I have a clear vision for the word portion. 

My golden color is much more golden yellow than the original rug, but I'm going to leave it. I like it. 

Poor Henry. He's probably thinking, "I'm a good dog, why am I in jail". And he is a good dog. The other one, not so much.

Have a great weekend.


Thursday, June 1, 2023

Best Laid Plans

 You know what they say about the best laid plans.. something may still go wrong .

I'm one day into this new rug and it has.  The red was too dark, the white is too fat. I've ripped out the red, it was a darker leaning towards purple side. I've replaced it with this brighter tomato red. It is much more to my liking. I had hoped to use up worms to outline the letters. That too is a big nope. They're too fat, meaning I'll have to cut some 4 strips. Not my favorite size to use.

This is day 2 of hooking.

I actually prefer a 6 for ease on my back, shoulder and wrist. But I like the look of an 8  1/2. I really like when the rows look they interlock. I haven't quite got that technique under my belt.

They're working on the new fence. It's going to be great to contain little Daisy. 

The weather has gotten quite a bit warmer. I've got most of my flowers and garden planted. I still want to add some cucumbers, pumpkins, carrots,  and maybe some beets. We shall see. 

My helpers for the day. 

A New Purple Pillow

Lexi gave me this pillow when she was four years old. It is well loved. It's just the right size for sleeping on. This pillow has gone m...